14 Juli 2020

Im Bett (Daniel 9 Vs.18)

Im Bett, Dan 9/18
Denn wir liegen vor dir mit unserm Gebet und vertrauen nicht auf unsre Gerechtigkeit, sondern auf deine große Barmherzigkeit.

10 Juli 2020

an empty coalhouse gift

an empty coalhouse gift
Well, i really like that. it´s part of a larger series i created while listening to Roger Waters last album, Waters is a person i don´t like for some reasons but nevertheless his music is great - a struggle i´m used to have with some artists.

Blick auf die Tür 1

Blick auf die Tür 1

08 Juli 2020

na schön (photoshop wave filter)

na schön
na schön
This landscape is another nice try with Photoshops "wave" filter. Playing sensitive with tons of controls and opportunities may generate outstanding pixelart and glitch effects. In german Photoshop pay attention not to use the filter "wellen" but "Schwingungen". Badly translated somehow.